R Bootcamp

These are the materials from the 2019 R Bootcamp for incoming graduate students for the Department of Psychology at the University of Oregon. If you’d like to use these resources in teaching, I recommend forking the github repository. You can also work through the materials on your own by cloning the repo, and working throughthe files labelled “r_bootcamp_day_1.Rmd”, “r_bootcamp_day_2.Rmd”, and “r_bootcamp_day_3.Rmd”. You can check your work with the “*_with_answers.Rmd” versions of those files.

You can also walk through the rendered versions of these Rmds here.

Day 1:

  • Basic R Use
  • Types of Data
  • Function & Iterations (incl. packages)

Day 2:

  • More Advanced Base R
  • Introduction to the tidyverse
  • Piping Syntax
  • Deep dive into dplyr

Day 3

  • Tidying data with tidyr
  • Data Visualization with ggplot2


Content adapted from:

Jessica Kosie’s 2018 Version of this workshop

Hadley Wickham’s R for Data Science

Sara Weston’s R Workshops

Data Science Club’s in progress R Guide (Contr. Jonny Saunders, Krista Destasio, myself)

Additional Resources:

RStudio Cheat Sheets

R for Data Science (see Hadley Wickham above)

Cookbook for R

Learning Stats with R



YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R

R for Cats!

HUGE list of R resources compiled by Paul van der Laken

ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis (ggplot2 book) Note: this link will download a copy of the book.